

Investments in NPL portfolios of the largest global companies in the most perspective world’s markets

Investment in Asia

Over the last years Asian region is demonstrating the highest rate of GDP growth even in conditions of global decline and economic crisis.

It was Asia that in 2015 reached the 1st position for GDP, removing the North America and Europe to the 2nd and 3rd places respectively.

MBA Conslult

is a key player in the Asian market. We offer our main clients to take part in NPL portfolio investments.

Corporate Overview

$1 BLN

returned to our clients

2,5 MLN

debtor problems solved

20+ MLN

unique debtors’ cases at work



Head office



Ľuboš Žovinec


World GDP proportion per regions

Over the last years Asian region is demonstrating the highest rate of GDP growth even in conditions of global decline and economic crisis.
It was Asia that in 2015 reached the 1st position for GDP, removing the North America and Europe to the 2nd and 3rd places respectively.

World GDP dynamics per region, %
World GDP growth, %

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